Guides • Build Banking Apps
API Metrics

API Metrics

Below you can compare the performance of our Open Banking API vs the performance of our direct user interfaces for both Retail and Business products.

This data is updated once every quarter and contains the daily average values for the previous quarter. The quarterly average shown in each chart is measured as the average of all daily values within the quarter.


Daily uptime is defined as the percentage of minutes in the day where the average technical error rate was below 5%.

100%Average uptime

Error rate

Error rate is calculated as the percentage of requests which return a technical error (HTTP 5XX).

0.000721%Average error rate

Account Information response time

Account Information average response time is calculated as the average response time of requests for account or transaction data.

66.5msAverage response time

Payment Initiation response time

Payment Initiation average response time is calculated as the average response time of requests for payment execution.

70.7msAverage response time

Confirmation of Funds response time

Confirmation of Funds average response time is calculated as the average response time of yes/no responses to confirmation of funds API requests. This data is only available for Open Banking API.

28.2msAverage response time

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