Guides • Build Banking Apps
3. Set up production environment

3. Set up production environment

Once the sandbox environment is set up and running, you can configure the production environment for your application in the Developer Portal.

  1. Navigate to your application settings in the Developer Portal.

  2. Click the Submit to production widget.

  3. Type in the address of the Redirect URLs in the field.

  4. Type in the URL of the production JWKs. This address must be resolvable publicly.


    This step doesn't apply if your application only needs access to the Partner API scopes (Draft Payments).

  5. Upload your OBIE/eIDAS transport certificate.

  6. Click Continue.

Once you submit your application to production, your Production Client ID is displayed on the application overview page.

Depending on the scopes that you have enabled for your application:

  • If you only enabled Open Banking API scopes, the application goes live immediately.
  • If you enabled additional scopes, the application must be reviewed by our team first.

You can check the status of your application on the application's page.

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