Guides • Manage Accounts
Payout links

Send money via payout link


This feature is available in the UK and the EEA.

You can generate a payout link when you want to send money. You then share the link with the intended recipient, who uses it to claim your payment.

For the payment to be successful, the recipient must claim the money before the link expires.

The difference between a transfer and sending money via payout link is that when you want to make a make a bank transfer, you need the counterparty's banking details. With payout links, you can make a payment even when you don't know full banking details of the counterparty. All you need is the recipient's name.

Details neededBank transferPayout link
Recipient's name
Recipient's address
Recipient's account number
Other recipient's details

Here is what the link payment flow looks like, divided into the steps that must be performed by the sender of the money and by the recipient.

See the steps performed by the sender
  1. Generate the link by providing transfer details.

    You can generate a payout link either from the Revolut Business app or by using the Business API, where you get the link URL in the response.

    Amount blocking

    After the link has been successfully created, the amount is blocked on your account until one of the following happens:

    • The payment is claimed by the recipient, and the funds have been transferred
    • The link is cancelled, failed or expired, and the funds are released back to your account

    If the payout link requires approval, the amount is blocked only after the link has been approved.

  2. Share the link.

    For the recipient to be able to claim the payment, you must first share the link with them.

Recipient: Payment claim

See the steps performed by the recipient
  1. Open the link.

    When the recipient opens the link, they see:

    • Who is sending the money
    • The reference to help identify what the payment is for
    • How many days are left until the link expires
    • Available payout methods
  2. Choose the payout method.

    To claim the payment, the recipient can use either their Revolut details (a Revolut P2P transfer) or a regular bank transfer unless the sender specified otherwise in optional details.

  3. Enter required details.

    The recipient must enter their name and Revtag.


    When claiming the payment, the recipient must provide the same name that was specified on link creation. If the recipient provides a wrong name too many times, the link is cancelled.

  4. Review transfer details.

    The last step for the recipient is to review the transfer details, such as the reference, the estimated funds arrival time, the amount and sender, and the recipient's details, and confirm.

  5. Get transfer confirmation and await the funds.

    Once the recipient confirms with the Continue button, they see a transfer confirmation pop-up.


Now all that's left is for the recipient to wait for the funds to appear in their account.


Throughout the flow, the link can be in one of these states:

  • created: Represents a payout link that has been created, but for which the amount has not been blocked yet.
  • failed: Represents a payout link where a failure occurred during transaction booking.
  • awaiting: Represents a payout link that is awaiting approval.
  • active: Represents an active payout link that can be redeemed.
  • expired: Represents an expired payout link that cannot be redeemed.
  • cancelled: Represents a cancelled payout link that cannot be redeemed.
  • processing: Represents a redeemed payout link that is being processed.
  • processed: Represents a redeemed payout link where money has been transferred to the recipient.


To receive a webhook notification on every link creation or link state change, subscribe to Webhooks for the Business API.

You can use the Business API to:

To pay with a link, you must first generate it by providing some information, such as the amount and the recipient's name.

Required details
  • Counterparty name: The name of the recipient. When the recipient claims the payment, they must provide the same name.
  • Request ID: The ID of the request, provided by you to help you identify the transaction in your system.
  • caution

    To ensure that a link payment is not processed multiple times if there are network or system errors, the same request_id should be used for requests related to the same link.

  • Account ID: The ID of the account from which you want to make the payment.
  • Amount: The amount that you want to transfer.
  • note

    The amount must be between £1 and £2,500, or equivalent in the selected currency.

  • Currency: The currency in which you want to pay, provided as the ISO 4217 code.
  • Reference: The reference for the transaction. It's a message that helps the recipient to identify why the payment was made. It can be useful also to you as the sender, if you want to look the transaction up later.

Optionally, you can also specify additional details, such as when the link should expire, how it can be claimed, or whether to save the counterparty upon link claim.

Optional details
  • Save counterparty: The option to automatically save the recipient as your counterparty when the link is claimed.
    By default, it's set to false. To save the counterparty, set it to true. If you choose not to save the counterparty, it won't appear in your counterparties list, for example, when you retrieve the counterparties. However, you will still be able to retrieve this counterparty by its ID.
    If you change your mind, you can always save it later from your list of transactions in the Business app.
  • Expiry period: The duration after which the link expires if not claimed before, provided in the ISO 8601 format. You can set it to anything between 1-7 days, counting from the date and time of the link creation. By default, it's set to 7 days.
    If you create a payout link on 11th July 2023 at 1:53pm (2023-07-11T13:53:45.986248Z), the default expiry period of 7 days (P7D) results in the expiry date 18th July 2023, 1:53pm (2023-07-18T13:53:46.474777Z).
  • Payout methods: The methods that the recipient can use to claim the payment. The sender can specify one or more of the supported payout methods. If the recipient does not specify this, the default payout methods are enabled. The supported payout methods are:

    Payout methodDefaultDescription
    revolutUses Revolut details (a Revolut P2P transfer)
    bank_accountRegular bank transfer
    cardCard transfer (payout to a card)

    To use this feature, please contact Revolut API Support.
  • Transfer reason code: Depending on the recipient's country and currency, for certain transactions, it might be required to provide the reason for sending the payment.
    To get all transfer reasons available to your business account per country and currency, use the getTransferReasons operation.

To see example requests and responses, check out the API Reference documentation:

See the API reference: Create a payout link

The Business API lets you retrieve the links that you previously created.

When you retrieve links, for each link, you get its details, such as the link ID, current state, its URL if the link is in the state active, and more.

You can:

To get information about a single specific link, you must provide this link's ID.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Retrieve a payout link

You can retrieve a full list of the links that you previously created from your Revolut Business account.

The results are sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order (from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom) and paginated.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of payout links

You can filter this list of links by adding one or more of the query parameters listed below to the URL:

curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your access token>'

The following table lists the parameters that you can optionally add as filters:

stateThe current state of the links you want to retrieve.If you want to retrieve links in different states, you can specify multiple states by repeating the query parameter. Use ampersand (&) as a separator: state=active&state=pending&state=cancelled
created_beforeRetrieves links with the date created_at < created_before. The default value is the current date and time at which you are calling the endpoint.This parameter is also used for pagination.


When you retrieve links, the results are paginated. The default page size is 100.

To get to the next page, make a new request and use the created_at date of the last payout link returned in the previous response as created_before.

You can also modify the size of a single page by specifying the limit parameter. The maximum number of results per page that you can set is 1000.

The Business API lets you cancel a payout link that you created, provided that it hasn't been claimed yet.

You might want to use it if, for example, you issued the link to a wrong recipient or with a wrong amount or currency. It might also be useful if your circumstances have changed, and you don't want or need to make the payment any more.

To cancel a link, you need to provide its ID.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Cancel a payout link
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