Delete a draft payment transfer
Delete a specific draft payment transfer with the given draft payment transfer ID. A draft payment transfer can be deleted only if the user hasn't taken any action upon it, for example, approved or executed the draft payment.
See also Tutorials: Work with draft payments and Tutorials: Create your first draft payment.
Each Open Banking API must contain an authorization header in the following format to make a call: Bearer <yourAccessToken>
Before you start, ensure that you've got an access token with the correct scope
using the /token
You need to get the authorization code first and exchange it for an access token.
Never share your access_token
with anyone, as it can be used to access the banking data that you have access to and initiate transactions.
For more information, see Tutorial: Get account and transaction information and Tutorial: Initiate your first payment as examples.
Open Banking API Payment requests additionally require a JSON Web Signature (JWS) which needs to be added to the header of the request. The JWS signature must be obtained using the full content of the payload.
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