Guides • Accept Payments

Accept payments via Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK - Android

The Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK for Android allows merchants to accept card payments within their mobile applications. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating a prebuilt payment form using the SDK.

Pay with mobile card form

How it works

From an implementation perspective, the SDK works with the following components:

  1. Client-side: initialise the SDK by providing your Merchant Public API key and selecting the preferred environment to prepare for accepting payments.
  2. Server-side: create an order and get token, using the Merchant API: Create an order endpoint.
  3. Client-side: the SDK uses the order data to invoke the RevolutPaymentApi.buildCardPaymentIntent() method. This returns an intent for launching a UI activity for gathering payment details and confirming the payment.
  4. Client-side: after the payment is completed the result is received by the onActivityResult() method, providing the status of the payment.
  5. Endpoint for webhooks: optionally, you can set up an endpoint which receives webhook events from the Merchant API to track the payment lifecycle. For more information, see: Use webhooks to keep track of the payment lifecycle.

The order and payment flow is similar to all card payment solutions:

  1. The customer goes to the checkout page in your app, reviews their order details and decides to proceed with the payment.
  2. Your server uses the information from your client to create an order.
  3. Your client uses the SDK to initiate the payment process using the order data from the server.
  4. The SDK opens an activity to collect the customer's card details, handles additional actions such as 3D Secure authentication, and presents the payment result to the customer.
  5. Your server receives webhook notifications about each event you're subscribed to.

For more information about the order and payment lifecycle, see: Order and payment lifecycle.

Implementation overview

  1. Install the SDK
  2. Initialise the SDK
  3. Create an order
  4. Start the payment process
  5. Handle the payment results

Before you begin

Before you start this tutorial, ensure you have completed the following steps:

Implement the Revolut Card Payments SDK

1. Install the SDK

  1. Since the SDK is hosted on mavenCentral, to fetch the dependency add the following lines to your project-level build.gradle file:

    allprojects {
    repositories {
  2. To install the SDK, add the merchantcardform to the dependencies block of your module-level build.gradle file:

    dependencies {
    // ...

    // Revolut Card Payments SDK
    implementation 'com.revolut.payments:merchantcardform:1.3'
  3. Sync your project.

2. Initialise the SDK

Before accepting payments, initalise the SDK by calling the following method:

"<merchantPublicKey>" // Your Production API Public key

3. Create an order

When a customer decides to make a purchase on your website, using the Merchant API: Create an order endpoint, you'll need to create an order based on your customer's checkout and obtain a token.

This token represents the order and is used to invoke the buildCardPaymentIntent() method. The process of creating an order and receiving a token will vary based on your backend setup. See an example response of an order created with minimal required parameters:

"id": "6516e61c-d279-a454-a837-bc52ce55ed49",
"token": "0adc0e3c-ab44-4f33-bcc0-534ded7354ce",
"type": "payment",
"state": "pending",
"created_at": "2023-09-29T14:58:36.079398Z",
"updated_at": "2023-09-29T14:58:36.079398Z",
"amount": 5,
"currency": "GBP",
"outstanding_amount": 5,
"capture_mode": "automatic",
"checkout_url": "",
"enforce_challenge": "automatic"

4. Start the payment process

To accept a payment from your customer, you'll need to initiate the payment process by invoking the RevolutPaymentApi.buildCardPaymentIntent() method. This will return an intent for launching an activity. The activity provides the necessary UI for collecting the user's card details and confirming the payment.

The method requires several parameters, including the application context, the unique order token obtained from your server. Optionally, the customer's email, billing and shipping address. The intent created is then launched using the startActivityForResult() method.

Here's an example of how you can start the payment process:

context = context,
orderId = "<token>",
email = "",
billingAddress = AddressParams(
streetLine1 = "1 Canada Square",
streetLine2 = "Sample street",
city = "London",
region = "Greater London",
country = "GB",
postcode = "12345"
shippingAddress = null,
savePaymentMethodFor = null
), 0
Code snippetExplanation
startActivityForResultThis method is used to start a new activity and receive a result. The result will be handled in the onActivityResult method of the current activity.
RevolutPaymentApi.buildCardPaymentIntentThis method creates an Intent for starting the payment activity provided by the SDK.
contextThe context in which the application is running, typically the current activity.
orderIdThe unique token of the order, obtained from your server after creating an order.
RevolutPaymentApi.Configuration.CardPaymentConfiguration object that includes optional payment details such as email, billing and shipping address.
emailThe customer's email address (optional).
billingAddressThe customer's billing address (optional, but recommended to increase payment acceptance).
shippingAddressThe customer's shipping address (optional).
savePaymentMethodForIndicates whether the payment method should be saved for the customer or merchant (optional). For more information, see: Save payment methods.

For more details about the available parameters see, Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK: Methods and parameters.

Save payment methods

The savePaymentMethodFor parameter allows you to save a customer's payment method used in the current payment session. You have the option to save a payment method either for the customer or the merchant. To learn more about customer and merchant initiated payments, see: Charge a customer's saved payment method.


If you wish to save a customer's payment details using the Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK, you need to meet one of the following requirements:

  • Have a customer object with email and assign it to the order by providing
  • Create a new customer with during order creation

5. Handle the payment results

To handle the payment result, you need to implement onActivityResult() in your activity or fragment, which is invoked when the payment operation is completed. This method allows you to capture the payment result and perform various actions within your application.

onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
val result = RevolutPaymentApi.mapIntentToResult(resultCode, data)
result?.let { handleResult(it) }
Code snippetExplanation
onActivityResult()This method is a callback in Android used to receive the result from a previous activity. The requestCode identifies which activity is returning a result, the resultCode indicates the success or failure of the operation, and data is the intent containing additional information or results. This method is critical for handling results in activities that are started for a result, such as payment operations.
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)This line calls the parent class's implementation of onActivityResult(). It's important to include this to ensure that any default processing in the parent class is also executed. Neglecting this can lead to unexpected behaviour, especially if the superclass needs to handle certain results.
val result = RevolutPaymentApi.mapIntentToResult(resultCode, data)The mapIntentToResult() method is provided by the SDK to simplify the process of interpreting the result of the payment activity. It takes the resultCode and data intent and converts them into a Result object that is easier to work with. This encapsulation hides the complexity of parsing the intent and managing various possible result codes, allowing developers to focus on business logic.
result?.let { handleResult(it) }This line checks if the result is not null. If a result exists, the handleResult() function is invoked, passing the Result object as a parameter. This is where custom logic can be applied based on the outcome of the payment process, such as displaying messages to the user, updating the UI, or processing the transaction data further. This approach ensures that you only proceed with valid results, avoiding potential null pointer exceptions.
handleResult(it)You define this function, which processes the Result object returned by mapIntentToResult(). Depending on whether the payment was successful or not, you can perform actions such as displaying a success message, retrying the payment, logging errors, or initiating post-payment workflows like order fulfilment. This step is where you implement your application's response to the payment result, ensuring a smooth user experience.

The mapIntentToResult() method is critical because it abstracts the complexity of interpreting the result of the payment activity. This allows you to focus on the logic for handling the result, such as:

  • Logging: Capture payment results in your logging system to track transactions and identify any issues that may arise.
  • User notifications: Notify users of the outcome of their payment, providing a success message for completed payments or error details for failed ones.
  • Order confirmation emails: Send an order confirmation email to the customer, including the details of their purchase and the payment status.
  • Start a shipping workflow: If the payment is successful, initiate the shipping workflow to prepare the order for dispatch to the customer.
  • Analytics and reporting: Record payment results for business analytics and reporting purposes, helping you understand sales performance and customer behaviour.

The result codes between 1000 and 1009 (included) are used by the SDK, avoid using them to prevent any collisions.


For more details about the possible payment results, see: Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK: Payment results.

Using webhooks

In addition to handling payment results directly in your app, you can also set up webhooks to receive notifications about different events. Webhooks provide a reliable way to track the entire order and payment lifecycle, allowing your server to react to changes.

To implement webhooks, refer to the Use webhooks to track order and payment lifecycle tutorial for detailed instructions on setting up and managing webhooks with the Merchant API.

By utilizing both in-app payment result handling and webhooks, you can create a robust and responsive payment processing system that enhances the user experience and streamlines your business operations.

Example app

The SDK's public repository contains a fully functional example app designed to demonstrate how to integrate the Revolut Merchant Card Form SDK into your mobile application. This app serves as a practical reference for developers, showcasing a working implementation of the SDK's features.

Run the example application

Follow these steps to set up and run the example app:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Open the project in Android Studio, or your preferred IDE.

  3. Update the following line in the demo/app/build.gradle file:

    implementation 'com.revolut:cardpayments:1.0.0' // Change this line

    implementation 'com.revolut.payments:merchantcardform:1.3' // To this line
  4. Now you can run the example app.

Implementation checklist

Before deploying your implementation to your production environment, complete the checklist below to see if everything works as expected, using Merchant API's Sandbox environment.

To test in Sandbox environment, set the base URL of your API calls to: and initialise the SDK in sandbox:

"<merchantPublicKey>" // Your Sandbox API Public key
  • Check if the card form is displayed correctly using the order token. The order must be created in the same environment where the widget is loaded, in this case the Sandbox environment.
  • Make a test payment using test cards to simulate a successful payment.
  • Test for error scenarios using test cards.
  • (Optional) Setup webhook URLs for your website to receive order and payment updates.
    • Check that the webhooks (for successful and failed payments) are properly received and processed.

If your implementation handles all these cases as you expect in Sandbox, it is advised you also test your implementation in production before going live. Once your implementation passes all the checks in both environments, you can safely go live with your implementation.

These checks only cover the implementation path described in this tutorial, if your application handles more features of the Merchant API, see the Merchant API: Implementation checklists.


Congratulations! You've successfully integrated the card form with the Merchant API in your app.

What's next

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